Monday, April 27, 2009

Sofi got her Heart!!

Over the last few months, well almost a year, a childhood friend of mine has lived in the hospital with her daughter who has been battling heart problems. Just before Christmas they were told that she would need a new heart. I'm not a parent yet but I can start to fathom what it would be like to know that someone else has to lose their little one in order for yours to live.

On Friday evening Sofi was prepped and ready for transplant, and at 2am on Saturday morning Sofi's new heart was put in place!! She had a bit of a rough patch but she's now doing better then expected!!

I'm overwhelmed with excitement and relief for Krissy and Mike!! and Sofi of course!!

There's still a lot that she'll have to go through, but getting to this point was the hardest! Her old heart actually stopped beating just before they put the new one in. Only God has perfect timing like that.

Please keep Krissy and Mike and Sofi in your prayers!!
and smile because Miricles do happen!! Sofi is here today becaues of God's amazing love and perfect timing!!


  1. omg I cried reading this. One for the little one that had to die to save her and second for her and her parents. What joy at the same time. Talk about confusing emotions!!! WOW perfect "god" timing or what though???

    Sending prayers to all involved...

  2. May God embrace Sofi and her family during the healing process...and may God bless her, one day, that she may come to know the one who truly blessed her with the gift of life..

  3. Such a sweet faced little girl...thankfully there are selfless people in our wolrd that are able to be so generous even while grieving.

  4. May God bless little Sofi with continued healing and may God bless all involved with a strength and peace that only He can give!

  5. hope you are well...

    btw, check out my blog... you have been tagged... look for the post labelled "first ever scrap page"!

    take care!
